
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation by Matt Myklusch

Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation (Jack Blank (Trilogy))
Myklusch, Matt, Jack Blank and the Imagine Nation. Aladdin Books, 2010. Language: G, Violence: PG, Sexual Content: G

Jack doesn’t know who he is or where he comes from. All he know is the life he’s had at Ste Barmaby’s Home for the Hopeless, Abandoned, Forgotten, and Lost and his love of creating comic books. One day he gets to visitors. The first is a a deadly robot from one of his comic books. The second is the fast-talking Jazen Knight who says he’s come to rescue Jack and take back to his homeland, Imagine Nation. Imagine Nation turns out to be a hidden island where all the fantastic and unbelievable things in the human world originate. When Jack is discovered to be carrying a deadly robot virus, he soon realizes that he has superhuman powers, one of which is immunity to the virus. When Revile, a deadly alien, attacks the city and Jack becomes the only one who can stop him, Jack must discover his origins and learn to control his powers in order to save his newfound home. Can Jack master himself before it’s too late?

A great, action-packed adventure from start to finish. The characters are well-developed. The plot moves along quickly and keeps the reader’s attention. Readers who like fantasy, adventure, science fiction, robots and/or superheroes will enjoy reading this book and will want to read the planned sequels.  EL (4-6), MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian,WHI Public Library.

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