Feasey, Steve Wereling (first published as Changeling), 266 pgs. Feiwel and Friends, 2009. Language - PG (41 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG; Trey was finally accepting his situation when suddenly his situation changes. He runs away from his home with a vampire and finds out that he's a werewolf. Oh yeah, and he has to help save humanity--you'd faint too. After reading the first page of this book I was laughing at how Feasey seemed to be trying too hard to use a higher vocabulary. But after a while, I really got into the story and couldn't set it down. The end was unpredictable, which made it all the more captivating. It left me desperately needing the next book. HS - ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: CCH
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