
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Toot and Puddle:Charming Opal by Holly Hobbie

Hobbie, Holly Toot and Puddle:Charming Opal 32 pgs. Little Brown and Company, 2003. PICTURE BOOK. $16.99. Charming indeed. In this Toot and Puddle series book, Puddle's cousin, Opal, comes to visit Woodcock Pocket. Not only is Opal excited to pick strawberries, go for walks, and smell flowers, but she is excited about her very first loose tooth! While at Pocket Pond, Opal looses her very first tooth...literally, but Toot dives to the bottom of the pond and spots Opal's lost tooth. But now that Opal has her tooth back, will the tooth fairy be able to find her in Woodcock Pocket??! This is an adorable book all around. Cute story that first-time tooth- losers can relate to (the fear of the tooth fairy not finding them!) along with lively watercolor illustrations. EL-ESSENTIAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher. 

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