
Friday, September 24, 2010

Society of Unrelenting Vigilance by Glenn Dakin

Dakin, Glenn Candle Man: The Society of Unrelenting Vigilance, 300 pgs. Egmont, 2009. Language - PG (3 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG; Theo isn't allowed to know anything about the outside world. He is stuck in the same room, seeing the same three people, eating the same food, and doing the same things day after day. Through out all of this, almost all he has been told are lies. Theo is sick of all of this, but how he feels after finally gaining his freedom and ending up in a war is a different story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Theo's tale of being trapped, finding freedom, and discovering new things. I liked the characters too--especially in the mythical creatures department. I am anxiously awaiting the moment I get the sequel in my hands. MS - ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: CCH

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