
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Shooting Kabul by N.H. Sanjai

Senzai, N.H. Shooting Kabul. Paul Wiseman, 2010. Pgs. 272. Language: G, Violence: PG, Sexual Content: G.
Fleeing from war-torn, Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, Fadi and her family make it to a refugee camp and make plans to board a transit truck on its way out. The Taliban, however, show up and the family is forced to flee in a hurry. Tragedy strikes early, however, when the youngest sister, Mariam gets left behind when she lets go of her brother’s hand. When the family makes it to San Francisco, they can’t forget little Mariam. Determined to find her six-year-old sister, Fadi enters a photography contest whose grand prize is a trip to India. Will Fadi is able to win the contest and find her way back to Afghanistan? With danger that surely awaits her in Afghanistan, will she find the courage she needs to find Mariam and bring her home?
A touching story of adventure, forgiveness, love, and perseverance. The characters are memorable. The story is well-done. The facts, although not quite fitting of the knowledge such a character’s background would grant, are accurate and add a certain element to the story.  Readers who like fiction that takes place in different parts of the world, touching stories, and realistic fiction will enjoy reading this book. EL (4-6)/MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, HUN Public Library.

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