Pelley, Kathleen T. Magnus Maximus, A Marvelous Measurer illustrated by S.D. Schindler 32 pgs. Farrar Straus Giroux, 2010. PICTURE BOOK. $16.99. Magnus Maximus is a marvelous measurer because he goes above and beyond measuring every day kinds of things...he measures and counts wetness and dryness,nearness and farness, clouds in the sky and even freckles on a nose. Magnus even goes so far as to measure an escaped circus lion, thus becoming a town legend! But as Magnus gets caught up in measuring, he forgets that some of life's greatest treasures can't be measured. The illustrations give a nice, old-fashioned feel to the story. Although kids will enjoy the story, the real message of the book might be lost on them. EL-ADVISABLE. Whitney, Library-Teacher.
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