Brindley, John, City of Screams, 407pgs, Carolrhoda Books, 2008, Language: G (0swears, 0 "F") Violence: PG, Sexual content: G. Phoenix is a ground Agle, meant to stay firmly on the ground. All she wants to do is fly with the air Agles and be with Gabriel, who she is in love with. But soon, that will seem like nothing compared to the horrible danger brewing. An ancient enemy of the Agles, The Adults, have come once again. And they plan on torturing and killing Gabriel and all of the other "mistakes of nature". Phe must go on a long journey, and even ally herself with another group of Adults to save her family and friends from horrible peril. I completely adored this book, and it was the first book that actually made me cry really hard. It supplied an amazing new point of view religion wise as well. I recommend reading The rule of the claw first, as it is the first of the series. It was an extremely well written book! MS/HS – ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: BT
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