
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Betti on the High Wire by Lisa Railsback - ESSENTIAL

Railsback, Lisa Betti on the High Wire, 277 p. Dial (Penguin), 2010.  $16.99.

Babo and the other children live with a few nuns in a bombed out circus – all of them have been physically injured by war and they all need each other to keep life and limb together.  Then Babo is adopted by an American family, who rename her Betti and take her away from her family of “leftover kids” and off to America she goes.  America is more crazy than Betti ever thought and she will do anything she possibly can in order to force her new family to send her back.

Railsback purposefully leaves Betti’s country of origin a mystery, allowing us to concentrate on Betti’s experience and feelings instead.  This would be a great book for a 5th or 6th grade class to study.


Cindy, Library Teacher

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