
Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Memory Bank by Coman and Shepperson - OPTIONAL

Coman, Carolyn and Shepperson, Ron. The Memory Bank. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2010. Pgs. 288.

Content: G

Hope and Honey are best friends and sisters. Hope is always telling her sister if she’s ever in trouble to blow on her whistle. One day while driving in the car with their parents, Honey can’t stop laughing. Their parents kick her out of the car and won’t go back despite Hope’s pleading.  When she gets home, all Hope can do is sleep, because she misses her sister too much. When Hope gets a summons from WWMB (World Wide Memory Bank), because she isn’t depositing enough memories, she’s taken to the headquarters. Can Hope find her sister and appease the World Wide Memory Bank?

The characters in this book are a little far-fetched, but the story is endearing and the illustrations are well-done. Readers who like fantasy and adventure will like reading this book.

EL (4-6)/ MS.  OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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