
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Stuck on Earth by David Klass

Klass, David. Stuck on Earth.  FSG Books, 2010. Language: G, Violence: PG, Sexual Content: G
When Ketchvar III is sent to earth to inhabit a normal teenage boy to decide whether or not humans should be allowed to live or not. Things don’t go so well for the humans, though. His family he is a part of on Earth are mean and he is constantly ridiculed by bullies. Things don’t seem like they could get any better, until he meets the girl next door, Michelle. When he starts to develop freelings for her, he begins to doubt what is real or not and whether or not he is really an alien. Will Ketchvar find the saving grace of humanity? Will he fall in love? Is Ketchvar really an alien?
The story is unique and clever. The main character is fascinating and relatable to. The story, however, tends to drag and would probably lose the reader’s interest in parts. Readers who like aliens, science fiction, and romance, however, will probably like this book.  MS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High

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