
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Anastasia’s Secret by Susanne Dunlap

Dunlap, Susanne Anastasia’s Secret, 320 p. Bloomsbury, 2010.  $16.99.  Content: PG (Russian Revolution).  Anasatsia and her royal family have been exiled to Siberia and are under the control of the Bolsheviks who have seized control of the Russian government.  Even under the watchful eyes of the soldiers, Anastasia seems to find love in a young guard named Sasha.  But if the rebels decree, Anastasia’s entire family will be in danger.  What I liked about this book is that it looks at the years the royal family lived in exile – usually most books gloss right over that time and go straight to the firing squad.  I learned a lot, but was distracted by the romance.  I understand the need for a hook, however.  MS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher.

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