
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Change of Heart by Shari Maurer - ADVISABLE

Maurer, Shari Change of Heart, 286 pgs. WestSide Books, 2010. Language - PG-13 (56 swears, 0 "f"), Mature Content - PG; Violence - G;

Soccer is Emmi's life. She's one of the best players on her high school team, she goes to soccer camps, she wants to be a professional soccer player, the whole enchilada. While at a soccer competition in Maryland, though, she feels bad and blacks out. When she goes to the hospital, she finds out that she needs a heart transplant. Until then, Emmi can't go to school, she can't play soccer, and her relationships with her friends fall apart.

While reading this book, I found myself drowning in emotions and drama. I loved the way the story flowed and unfolded, I enjoyed every moment I spent reading it--even through the tragic ending.


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