
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver

Oliver, Lauren Before I Fall, 470 pgs. HarperCollins; Language~PG-13, Sexual Content~PG-13; Violence~PG

You know that movie Groundhog Day where the reporter relives the day over and over again until he gets something right? This book is written in that exact formula. Samantha is in a clique of popular girls. She parties, drinks, does drugs occasionally, and she relishes being popular. Then coming home from a party one night their car crashes. Next thing she knows, her alarm clock is ringing and it is “Cupid Day” all over again. This book got really old really fast. I made it to page 222 before I couldn’t take it anymore and quit. There are plenty of swears but no “f”’s at least in the first 222 pages. There is also a lot of talk about sex. At the beginning of the book Samantha is planning on losing her virginity that night. Later on there is also some teacher/student action. I would not recommend this book. I found it boring, pointless, and blasé. Not worth your money.

MS/HS NO Allison Madsen~Youth Services Librarian-SJO Public Librarian

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