
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Wide-Awake Princess by E.D. Baker

Baker, E.D. The Wide-Awake Princess,  275 p. Bloomsbury, 2010.  $16.99.  Content: G.  While everyone around her falls asleep, Annie, the younger sister of the Sleeping Beauty, is wide awake and not about to sit around waiting to be rescued.  The gift of her fairy godmother makes her impervious to magic, so she is determined to exit the castle and find her sister’s true love and drag him back to the castle to kiss her – even if it means giving up her own dreams.  Princess power at its finest – just as much fun as Baker’s other books!.  EL, MS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher.
FYI: I am not a big fan of this new cover - I really liked the picture on the ARC that I received.

1 comment:

  1. Love this author and her fairytale humor/creativity. Can't wait to check this one out--great review! (:
