
Friday, May 7, 2010

War is by Marc Aronson

Aronson, Marc and Campbell, Patty, War Is: Soldiers, Survivors, and Storytellers Talk About War. Candlewick Press. 2008. Pgs. 200. Language: PG-13  (says 1 f word, lots of swearing) Violence: PG, Sexual Content: G. War is not a pretty thing to behold. There’s death, killing, injured people, danger all around, and no way out. Armed Forces recruiters promise their recruits the world, but seldom hold up to their end of the bargain. When that contract is signed, the signature’s owner basically becomes the property of the United States government. They cease to be a civilian, an individual, and become a semi-individual amongst the masses. This book tells the side of the story recruiters don’t tell you: what happens after you enlist in the armed forces?
A book full of primary accounts of soldiers, survivors, and people who’ve been to visit the soldiers. This book takes off any rose-colored glasses the readers may have about war. It is, however, one-sided and focuses its attentions on those who are facing the possible decision of joining the army. Would recommend to older readers who are interested in war and armed forces or as a supplement to other resources used for a research paper.  HS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica M, Librarian, Olympus Jr. High.

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