
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Private Thoughts of Amelia E. Rye by Bonnie Shimko

Shimko, Bonnie  The Private Thoughts of Amelia E. Rye, 234 pages. D&M Publishers. Language-PG13(10 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G. In this book Amelia goes from being a little baby to a teenager, and it shares all of the stories from through her life. Amelia's mom does not like her, and in life Amelia only has 1 friend who is her age and another girl named Mary Laroue. Amelia is always one to tend for herself but through this book she meets new family members and also looses a few, this is a book of many emotions but it is a really good book. I would recomend this book to almost any girl who likes to read, once you start you wont put it down. MS/HS-ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer:MM

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