
Friday, May 7, 2010

Prince of Explorers by Philip Caveney

Caveney, Philip Sebastian Darke: Prince of Explorers, 408 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2009. Language - G, Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG; Sebastian and his friends were sent to find a lost city that is supposed to hold untold riches. Little did any of them know that some would die, one would be part of a prophecy, and the city would be a nightmare. I really liked that you start the first page and the action starts. I also liked that there were trials and tribulation and still no one gave up. I very much enjoyed all the little complications that showed up that no one could have foretold and how they adjusted to make it work. Their logic always make me rethink how I would've done it. EL, MS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: CCH

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