
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Go Ahead, Ask Me by Nico Medina and Billy Merrell

Medina, Nico and Billy Merrell Go Ahead, Ask Me 288 pgs. Simon Pulse, 2009. NON-FICTION. Sexual Content-PG-13; Language-PG-13; Violence-G. $11.00. This is one of those question and answer books that are fun for car rides. However, although I really liked the idea of this book, it was awful. There were more sex questions than anything and it had a lot of questions about drugs and drinking. I hadn't ever heard of most of the drugs they mentioned. It also covered the whole spectrum of swear words including the F word. I wouldn't recommend it for any school, no matter what the level, and I am really in the middle for a public library. Great idea, but very poorly done. I was really disappointed. NOT RECOMMENDED. Whitney, Library-Teacher. 

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