
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Crossing Stones by Helen Frost

Frost, Helen Crossing Stones, 178 p. Frances Foster (Farrar), 2009.  $16.99.  Content: G (mild violence).  Muriel’s words wander across the page, even as her thoughts wander all over her life.  Not content with a woman’s lot in life, she longs to be more than someone’s wife, more than the person who holds down the farm.  With the dawn of World War I,  the boys from her school are headed off to war.  At the same time,  Muriel’s own aunt is working in Washington DC for women to earn the right to vote.  Frost has written a free verse novel that actually contains beautiful poetic richness.  I would suggest you hand this to a Language Arts teacher for future use in the classroom.  MS, HS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library Teacher.

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