
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No and Me by Delphine de Vigan

Vigan, Delphine de No and Me, 246 pgs. Bloomsbury, AUGUST 2010. Language - PG-13 (8 swears, 6 "f"), Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG; Lou is the smart and quiet girl in class and she is going to do a presentation on the homeless with her primary source being interviews. By doing this, she gets to know and appreciate No. No is eighteen and has been in foster homes and running away since she was seven. When Lou's project is over she misses No and eventually invites No to stay with her and her parents. The girls get to become better friends and No seems to be happier than she was before. But how long can it last? I absolutely loved this book and savored every second in its pages. All the details and feelings the characters have engaged me from page one. The growing friendship between Lou and No had me on my toes wondering how it was all going to turn out. MS, HS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: CCH.

No and Me (Amazon)

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