
Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Abuelita by Tony Johnston

Johnston, Tony My Abuelita 32 p. Harcourt Children's Books 2009. $16.00. PICTURE BOOK. Language - G; Sexual Content - G; Violence - G. A boy describes what he does with his grandmother (abuelita) every morning before she goes to work. Abuelita is contently singing and warming up her voice for her job. She sings about slippers, skeletons, and starry eggs. Spanish words are mentioned throughout the text. At the end, you learn that Abuelita needs to warm up her voice because she is a story teller. The book uses a lot of good similes and metaphors. I was not impressed with the illustrations, it reminds me of I Spy books. EL - OPTIONAL. Anna Mattheus, Elementary Teacher.

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