
Monday, April 12, 2010

Mermaid Queen: The Spectacular True Story of Annette Kellerman, Who Swam Her Way to Fame, Fortune & Swimsuit History by Shana Corey

Corey, Shana Mermaid Queen: The Spectacular True Story of Annette Kellerman, Who Swam Her Way to Fame, Fortune & Swimsuit History illustrated by Edwin Fotheringham 48 pgs. Scholastic Press, 2009. NON-FICTION/PICTURE BOOK. $17.99. This is an amazing book! The story is absolutely fascinating and the pictures are so bright and vivid and fun! It is the true story of Annette Kellerman who as a young girl did not have full use of her legs. Her father taught her how to swim which enabled her to use and strengthen her legs. She became a master swimmer but was criticized because swimming wasn't artistic enough nor were girl athletes accepted as the norm. That didn't stop Annette though! She and her father traveled to London where Annette daringly attempted to swim the English Channel. Although she didn't make it the whole way, word quickly spread about the "Mermaid Queen" from Australia. Her fame carried her all the way to America where she defiantly transformed swimming suit fashion. This was a woman who was not afraid of creating waves! Students will love this captivating true story. Also included at the end of the book is more biographical information about Annette Kellerman. This is a book that should be in every school library as well as public libraries! Also worth mentioning is it is a Beehive Book Award Nominee for 2011. It certainly has my vote! EVERYONE- Whitney, Library-Teacher.

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