
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hello My Name is Bob by Linas Alsenas

Alsenas, Linas Hello My Name is Bob, 32 p. Scholastic Press 2009. $16.99. Language - G, Sexual Content - G, Violence - G. This is a story about a bear named Bob. He is a very boring bear. He likes to count toothpicks and dust the plants for fun. He has a friend named Jack who is completely opposite of him. Jack likes to go to amusement parks, and visit the alligator swamps for for fun. Although they don't share any of the same interests, they are great friends. This story shows that there is no right way, and that one way is not necessarily better than another. It lacks a plot, but the pictures are great and young kids will enjoy this story. EL(K-3) - ESSENTIAL. Anna, Elementary Teacher.

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