
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Timekeeper's Moon by Joni Sensel

Sensel, Joni. The Timekeeper’s Moon, 336 pgs. Bloomsbury, 2010. $16.99. Sexual Content-G; Language-G; Violence-PG. Ariel Farwalker discovered a dart in the first book The Farwalker’s Quest (2009). In the sequel, Ariel sets off on a new quest to find the person who sent the darts. She must follow her feet and a mysterious map before she runs out of time. She is accompanied by her guardian father-figure Scarl. They stop at a village on the journey and pick up two additional companions. The first is Sienna, a flame-haired flame mage who wants to find a husband in a new place. The second is Nace, a boy about Ariel’s age with no voice, but a special skill. Everyone’s talents will be needed to complete the journey through the dangerous post apocalyptic pockets of civilization where only bits of technological debris remain. Overall an interesting combination of science fiction and fantasy, however the plot drags in some parts. Purchase if the first book was popular at your library. EL– OPTIONAL. Samantha, Public Librarian.

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