
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thank Goodness for Friends!

Long time readers of this blog know that I rarely add anything personal to this blog - it is all about the books for me. But, I have been pretty silent for awhile, personally, so I thought I would apologize and let you know what is up.

If you have ever followed the "Reviews Master List" link, you may have noticed that the look has changed dramatically . Just before CHristmas I switched from a PC to a Mac. Since the website software I used originally was from dinosaur days (Claris HomePage, anyone), I thought it was time I tried something new. I never loved the look of that site anyway! So, I have been learning a new computer, learning new software and trying to update a HUGE site - we're talking more than 2000 non-blog reviews that need to be moved and linked, plus all of the documents and such. I am only up to the "G" reviews - still lots of work to do.

Now I am the throes of a school-wide service project - and then I jump right into Student Body Officer elections (not just a librarian - also nurturing those wild 7, 8, 9th graders!). SO - I am just making a whole bunch of excuses about why i have read lots of books and not written any reviews. I will do it! I promise. Spring Break is approaching.

Thank goodness for my student reviewers and my fearless co-reviewers - we are still publishing new reviews for you. SO - please forgive me, personally - I will overload you soon!


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