
Monday, March 15, 2010

A Taste for Red by Lewis Harris

Harris, Lewis A Taste for Red, 169, Victor Rivas, 2009, Language: G, (no swears, no "F") Violence: PG, sexual content: G.  

Svetlana is a vampire, but not the type you expect. She sleeps under her bed, (coffins are like, soo last century!) and eats only red foods. As far as she knows, there's been no urge to drink blood so that's a myth too. Soon she finds that she's not alone. Is her science teacher a vampire too? She certainly seems like one. Soon, strange accidents start happening, and a group of girls go missing from Svetlana's school. Is Ms. Larch behind all of this? Read the book and find out! 

I enjoyed this book, even though I couldn't sympathize with the main charactor. (She hates chocolate!) It wasn't exactly as scary as I had expected, so that may have influenced my decision. 

EL, MS - ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: BT

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