Platt, Richard, London: From Roman Capital to Olympic City. Kingfisher Press. 2009. Take a detailed look at London through the ages. Readers will get a chance to explore the lifestyles, cultures, and beliefs that different eras shared and how they’ve changed over the years. With cross-sections that are fun to look at and artwork that is detailed and extraordinary to look at, this book would make a good selection for libraries. The text is interesting and well-researched. Readers who like cross-section DK eyewitness-type books, civilization non-fiction, and the You Wouldn’t Want to Be history series will probably enjoy reading this book, but, in general, this book would be too narrow of a focus for most research reports. EL/MS (4 to 7). OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica, Librarian, Olympus Jr. High.
There is no need at all to have this in my middle school library, but I really want to read it!