
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Into the Deep: The Life of Naturalist and Explorer William Beebe by David Sheldon

Sheldon, David Into the Deep: The Life of Naturalist and Explorer William Beebe 48 pg. Charlesbridge, 2009. NON-FICTION/PICTURE. $7.95

"To be a naturalist is better than to be a king." That was William Beebe's belief throughout his whole life. Fascinated by nature from a young age, Will set out to explore unchartered territory when it came to studying the world around him. He began by studying birds, but his focus in life later changed to studying the creatures and animals of the ocean. He and his fried, Otis Barton, created a Bathyspere, which was an ocean-diving vessel that could be lowered to great depths. Still later he focused on the conservation of
animals and the earth and during his latest years, he returned to studying his first passion, birds. This is a great book to use in conjunction with a science lesson as there are many terms that could be discussed such as naturalist,
taxidermy, and ecology. The illustrations were bright, vivid, and detailed. I think students would enjoy learning about this man who was a pioneer in science exploration. EL-ADVISABLE. Whitney, Library-Teacher.

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