
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Girl Stays In the Picture by Melissa Dela Cruz

De La Cruz, Melissa Girl Stays In the Picture, 432 pgs. Simon & Schuster, 2009. Language - PG-13 (41 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG; Violence - G; Devon, Livia, and Casey are all in Saint-Tropez for the filming of Juicy. All three have reputations they want to make better, but with all three girls at the same place there's bound to be drama. Will the three be able to keep the movie going when all it wants is to fall apart? This book seemed to have to much going on by having all three girls points of view and having magazine articles. I couldn't get on board with the book and let it carry me through the story because it didn't catch my attention. It was just a bunch of words sitting on a lot of pages to me. HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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