
Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Bicklebys' Birdbath by Andrew Perry

Perry, Andrea. The Bicklebys’ Birdbath, illustrated by Roberta Angaramo. Atheneum, 2010. $16.99. PICTURE BOOK. A book about a chain reaction told backwards. A mailman fell into the birdbath because he was chased by a goose, which was frightened by a moose, which was stung by a bee, who was sneezed on by a boy, who had a runny nose from the freshly mowed grass. Luckily, the mailman brought a new birdbath for the Bickleby’s. A great book to read aloud. The acrylic illustrations are expressive and colorful. EL– ADVISABLE. Samantha, Public Librarian.

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