
Saturday, March 27, 2010

The 13th Reality: The Hunt for the Dark Infinity by James Dashner

Dashner, James. The 13th Reality: The Hunt for the Dark Infinity, 504 pgs. Aladdin, 2009. $7.99. Sexual Content-G; Language-G; Violence-PG. The second book in The 13th Reality series, Atticus Higginbottom and his two friends and fellow realitants Sofia and Paul, have waited all summer long for a summoning from Master George. Finally, they receive a message and a short movie that explains that there has been a plague of insanity throughout the realities. The three friends go to a grave yard so that they can be “winked” to the meeting place, but there they are accosted by Tick’s science teacher Mr. Chu who puts something on the wrists. The three young teens are winked to another reality where they are given a series of clues that their very lives depend on. Meanwhile Mistress Jane is given a new barrier wand and message by Reginald Chu…kill Atticus Higginbottom. Fans of Harry Potter will adore this fast paced adventure series. EL/MS–ESSENTIAL. Samantha, Public Librarian.

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