Stamaty, Mark Alan Shake, Rattle and Turn that Noise Down!: How Elvis Shook up Music, Me, and Mom, 40 pgs. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 2010. $17.99. Langauge - G; Sexual Content - G; Violence - G. On his eighth birthday, Mark receives a radio of his own. As Elvis becomes popular, Mark begins to listen to him at home. Mark's mom becomes very upset and doesn't like this new type of music. She thinks it will get him into trouble. Mark on the other hand loves Elvis and starts to even comb his hair like Elvis. He can do such a good imitation of Elvis, that his scout group has him perform at their annual blue and gold dinner. In the end, Mark performs well and his mom realizes that it is just music, and her boy will not grow up to be a juvenile deliquent. Mark wrote this book to "communicate the joy and power of rock 'n' roll in its early days." I didn't like the illustrations, and it was written in comic book style. The text was all in caps, and made it difficult to read the text. EL, MS - OPTIONAL. Anna Mattheus, Elementary Teacher.
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