
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Quest for the Silver Tiger by Yoyo - ADVISABLE

YOYO Quest for the Silver Tiger (Vermonia #1), 207 pgs. Candlewick Press, 2009. 978-0763645540

Content: G

Doug, Jim, Naomi, and Mel are just regualar humans with regular teenage problems. That is, until Mel is taken and Doug, Tim, and Naomi get transported to another planet to try and save her. Then they find out they have magical powers and are supposed to save the new planet they're on. 

I think that this book is too short, but is very exciting. The adventure of traveling to a new world with new creatures, people, and surroundings just draws me in. I think these characters will draw you in too if you pick it up. 


Reviewer: CH

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