
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hank Zipzer Dump Trucks and Dogsleds by Henry Winkler

Winkler, Henry and Oliver, Lin Hank Zipzer Dump Trucks and Dogsleds: I'm on my way Mom! 155 pgs. Grosset & Dunlap, 2009. Language - G, Sexual Content - G; Violence - G; Mrs. Zipzer is having a baby early and Mr. Zipzer, Hank, and his sister Emily are six and a half hours away on a skiing trip with a storm rolling in. How are they going to get there? Will they make it in time for the baby? I thought this was a really funny book with surprises popping up everywhere. I think that this book would be good if you need a good laugh. Hank is hilarious and the rest of the Zipzers have their quirks too. ES - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CH

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