
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Ghostscape by Joe Layburn

Layburn, Joe Ghostscape, 105 pgs. Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2008. Language - PG (6 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG; Aisha attends school just like everyone else, and she has a friend named Richard. Richard is a boy who lived in 1940 and is now a ghost. Aisha and Richard are really good friends and take turns being ghosts in each others’ time periods. This book talks a bit about World War 2 (because that's when Richard lived) and I found it very interesting to hear a little about the war. I also loved the never-ending friendship between Aisha and Richard. ES, MS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: CH

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the book! Thanks for the review. My next book "Street Heroes" is out in May- if you enjoyed "Ghostscape" I'm sure you'll like it too.
