
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta - ESSENTIAL

Marchetta, Melina Finnikin of the Rock, 399 p. Candlewick, 2010. $18.99. Violence: PG (swords, arrows, etc). 

For ten years, Finnikin, along with so many of his people, has been an exile from his own land, after five horrible days of violence and the maneuverings of a usurper. A mysterious summons brings Finnikin to a secluded temple, where a silent, enigma, in the form of a girl, awaits him - to start a perilous journey to reclaim their homeland. 

I was so busy reading that I had little time to notice if there was any harsh language in this book. Marchetta has a written a masterpiece of fantasy – I couldn’t believe how much she fit into the few pages of this book – and was so sad when it ended, because I just wanted to keep reading about Finnikin and Evanjalin forever. This could have been a Robert Jordan style epic, but instead comes in a neat package with an eye-catching cover. I liked this so much better than Jellicoe Road - I hope that Ms. Marchetta has many more books of this caliber in her imagination.  

MS, HS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library Teacher

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