
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Leanin' Dog by K.A. Nuzum - ESSENTIAL

Nuzum, K.A. The Leanin' Dog179 pgs. Joanna Colter Books, 2008, 

Content: G


Dessa Dean can't go outside. She hasn't been able to since she saw her mother die on the cold snow. One day a dog comes to her doorstep and gives her hope. But will the dog stay? 

This story touched my heart. This girls love for the dog is just so sweet. I love the way her father cares for her and does what he has to help her. This story definitely deserves to be read.  

Student Reviewer: CRH

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favorite reads of last year. This is such a tender story! I agree it is a must read.
