
Friday, December 25, 2009

Scat by Carl Hiassen

Hiaasen, Carl Scat 371 pgs. KNOF,2009. Language - PG13 (21 swears, 0 "f") Sexual Content - G; Violence - PG. 

Nick Waters is an average student, and so is his friend Marsha. But one student is strange. Everyone calls him Smoke. After a tiff between Smoke and the biology teacher, a field trip to the Everglades goes horribly wrong. A wildfire starts deep in the swamp and the biology teacher doesn't return. Nick and Marsha think Smoke has something to do with it. And he does, just not in the way they think. This book was definitely a great reading adventure for me. I love whodunnit books. All the answers were kept till the end of the book so I really had To think. Younger elementary might not enjoy it though because of its large size and confusing content. It was a page turner for me even though it made me think. 

MS-HS - ESSENTIAL Student Reviewer: CRH

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