
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Recipe for Disaster by Maureen Fergus

Fergus, Maureen Recipe for Disaster 252 p. KCP Fiction, 2009 Language- PG (7 swears no F) Sexual COntent- G Violence- G. Francie Freewater's life is almost perfect, she has great hair, a best friend, and her own part time baking business. She is inspired by baking phenomenon Lorenzo LaRue. She wishes more than anything to become a profession baker with her own television show. But when the new girl in town trys to steal her best friend and her crush she doesn't know what to do. Life as she knows it is disappearing before her eyes! But then she gets a chance to meet Lorenzo and he influences her in a way she would have never expected! Then of course there are challenges and risks what will she end up doing? MS - ESSENTIAL Student Reviewer: EM

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