
Friday, December 18, 2009

Nate the Great and The Hungry Book Club by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat and Mitchell Sharmat

Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman and Mitchell Sharmat Nate the Great and The Hungry Book Club illustrated by Jody Wheeler, 64 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2009. EARLY READER. $12.99. In this episode of Nate the Great, Nate is on the hunt for the evil monster who tears, rips, and ruins books! (As a librarian, I could really sympathize with his case...I wanted him to find the evil monster that would dare treat books like that:)) But before long, he is also on the hunt for the missing has turned into a double case!! Using his great skills of deduction, Nate the Great is able to figure out both mysteries! This book, along with any other Nate the Great detective story, is a great way to get kids into reading. The repetition of words and interesting plot are sure to keep their attention and build their reading skills. EL-ESSENTIAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher.

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