Crow, Kristyn The Middle-Child Blues illustrated by David Catrow, 32 pgs. G.P. Putnam's Sons, 2009. PICTURE BOOK. $16.99. In this jazzy and rhythmic read, Lee has the blues because he is the middle child and is always getting the shaft. It is not until the end when he jams out on his guitar, winning the attention of everyone, that he doesn't feel like he is in the middle anymore. I myself happen to be a middle child so I felt like I could relate to this book in some way, and I think there is definitely some truth to Lee's melodic blues. The illustrations were a little too bug-eyed and different for me, but the text content is good, though a bit sad. EL-ADVISABLE. Whitney, Library-Teacher.
This book looks great! My middle child definitely has something in common with this one, and he also plays the electric guitar. :)