
Monday, December 7, 2009

I Can Do It Myself! by Diane Adams

Adams, Diane I Can Do It Myself! illustrated by Nancy Hayashi 32 pgs. Peachtree Publishers, 2009. PICTURE BOOK. $15.95. Emily Pearl is a very big girl and can do everything by herself. In this all too familiar story (especially for young mothers), Emily makes us laugh as she proves that she is capable of doing everything on her own, without any help from mom. The illustrations add a second story as we see what really happens behind all of Emily's feats! A great book for moms and young toddlers. EL-ADVISABLE. Whitney, Library-Teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I'm Diane Adams, author of I Can Do It Myself! I was looking up my blogsite for school (I'm working toward a master's in english) and found your wonderful website. Thank you for your kind comments about my book. I'm pleased with the good reactions its receiving.
    My Best,
