Kohara, Kazuno Ghosts in the House! 32 pgs. Roaring Brook Press, 2008. PICTURE BOOK. $12.95. The ghosts that live in this haunted house are in for a real surprise when a little girl--who turns out to be a witch--also turns out to be a seasoned ghost hunter. They don't scare her! She makes good use out of the ghosts after she catches and washes them (though I think it is a little weird that the washing machine is in the kitchen). Some become curtains, others a tablecloth and still others are used as a nice, comfy blanket. The text in this book is simple and borderline boring, but the illustrations help set it apart as the only colors used are black, orange, and white. This woud be a great Halloween story for those little ones that don't like the scary ones:) EL-OPTIONAL. Whitney, Library-Teacher.
I love this book! I can't wait to read it aloud.