
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanks a LOT, Emily Post by Jenifer Huget

Huget, Jennifer LaRue Thanks a LOT, Emily Post, illustrated by Alexandra Boiger. Schwartz and Wade (Random), 2009. $16.99. Four little children are quite happy with their harem-scarem lives, until their mother discovers the world of Emily Post and tries to teach them their manners. Now the children must come up with something to rid their world of these nasty things called manners – at whatever the cost! While Huget seemed to be on the right track – the muddle at the end of the book just made this a disaster for me. I did not like the end at all! Now children who have no need for manners will probably love this title, but they will also be left with the idea that is you mess things up enough, you will always be able to get your way. And too many children have already taught their parents that lesson already. NO. Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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