
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey

Harvey, Alyxandra Hearts at Stake, 320 p. Walker, JANUARY 2010. $9.99. Language: R (80+ swears, no ‘f’); Violence: PG-13. Lucy’s best friend, Solange, is a vampire – and not just any vampire, but the prophesied queen of the vampires. Lucy’s parents are fine with her choice of friends, but there is danger in the vampire world. There current, self-proclaimed vampire queen is more than willing to murder Solange’s family in order to keep her throne – and she is also willing to make dirty deals to fulfill her aims. There are so many more details I could tell you about this novel, like the romances and the dangers, but I won’t give it all away. Lucy comes off as the strongest of the two friends, while Solange mostly plays damsel-in-distress. But there is lots of good vampire battling and a sweet little bit of romance. I hope that the next in the series (please tell me that this is a series) continues on this one’s strengths. HS – ESSENTIAL (note the ratings, however). Cindy, Library-Teacher.

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