
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Neil Armstrong is My Uncle: and Other Lies Muscle McGinty Told Me by Nan Marino

Marino, Nan, Neil Armstrong is My Uncle: and Other Lies Muscle McGinty Told Me. Roaring Brook Press, 2009. pgs. 154. Language: G, Violence: G, Sexual Content: G.

Muscle Man McGinty has been a pain in Tamara’s side ever since he moved into her friend’s old house. You can never tell when he’s not lying or bragging, because he’s always doing so. To make matters worse, Tamara misses her best friend. When funerals, suspension from the weekly kickball game, and lack of invitations to a moon walk party come up, she wishes she could find her friend to talk and write to. When letters start coming from her friend, she starts hoping for the best, but not everything is quite as it seems.

A unique story with easy to relate to characters, Nan Marino does a great job of getting readers interested in what happened in 1969. History and stories of friendship blend well together. A quick, but interesting read, this book would be good for children who are interested in history, sports, kickball, or have to read a historical fiction novel.

EL - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Kira-HUN Public Library-Youth Services Librarian.

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