Selfors, Suzanne Coffeehouse Angel, 288 p. Walker Books, 2009. $16.99. Content: G. Katrina works mornings and nights in her aging grandmother’s throwback coffeehouse. It’s so very hard to make ends meet, especially with the modern coffeehouse next door always looking for a way to push them out. Then Melissa does something nice for a boy she finds sleeping in the back alley. Next thing she knows,, he says he is a Messenger and he now owes her her heart’s desire. Katrina doesn’t want anything to do with what she thinks is a crazy person, but strange things are definitely happening around her. This book was much cuter than I thought it was going to be. Katrina is just trying to do her best in a hard situation and her guilelessness shines through. MS, HS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library-Teacher
I loved this one. It was sweet and totally pulled me in. Katrina was an ideal main character, and Malcolm was dreamy. Sigh. (: Great idea for a story, huh?