Hobbie, Holly, Fanny and Annabelle, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. 2009. PICTURE BOOK. Fanny decides to write a picture book about a girl named Annabelle who lived with her Aunt Sally. Annabelle soon remembers that her Aunt Sally’s birthday is coming up and she needs to get her a present. She needs more money and finds 2 $50 on the sidewalk. Is it okay for her to keep the money or does she need to give it to someone? What will she get for Aunt Sally for her birthday. Fanny and Annabelle’s story parallel each other as you read the picture book. Readers soon realize that it is really Fanny who finds the money and has the birthday present problem. The illustrations are well-done and the text is very realistic looking compared to the age of the child writing the book. Children will enjoy having this book read aloud to them. EL(Pre-K to K)-OPTIONAL Review: Kira: Children’s Librarian-HUN Public Library
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