Doty, Jean Slaughter, Winter Pony. Language: G, Violence: G, Sexual Content: G. Scholastic Press, 2009. CHAPTER BOOK. Ginny finally has the pony she’s always dreamed of and couldn’t be happier. Things, however, get a little rough when Ginny and her friend decide to teach Mokey(Ginny’s pony) how to pull a sleigh. First, it’s hard to teach the pony how to pull it. Then, the two decide to take Mokey out by themselves and get stranded. The surprises aren’t over yet, though, soon the two find out that Mokey is going to have a baby! Surprises, humor, friendship, danger, and even a little drama make this heartwarming story a fun read for any horse lover. If you purchase this book, however, I would recommend buying Summer Pony. This is the companion to Winter Pony. EL(2-3). ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira-HUN Public Library.
This was my absolute favorite author when I was growing up. I even wrote her and she was kind enough to write me a lengthy, detailed letter back. I wish I could find out more about her life and writing online. She truly was an influence on me and countless other horse lovers, I'm sure.