
Monday, July 13, 2009

What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell

Blundell, Judy What I Saw and How I Lied pgs. 281 Scholastic Press Language~PG, Sexual Content~PG; Violence~PG

World War II has just ended and for Evie, life has just slipped back into the old routines. When her step-father’s war buddy Peter shows up. . . .Evie’s life becomes full of secrets, scandal and betrayal.

In this novel Blundell tries to create a suspenseful murder mystery but it falls flat. The book got a lot of good reviews from professional journals and won the National Book Award, but I would save this for the public libraries and spend your money elsewhere.

MS PUBLIC Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Library

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